
I know it's been over a month, but the chapter has been released! If you haven't read my story, DO IT, it's great xD


Hey guys! I'm working on my next chapter, and I'm finally categorizing my narrator. I know he's kinda just been a mix of emotions, but I promise that everything I have done so far has been 100% intentional. Please don't give up on this story, because I have huge plans, and I seriously think it's worth a read. Thank you!


Chapter nine has finally been completed! Sorry it took so long, I am in a musical (last performance tonight!) so I have had absolutely no time to do anythinggg. Lol, anyways, I think this gives more depth to some characters, so enjoy! More action in the next chapters!


Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while, I have been super busy with school lately lol. I should have the next three chapters (yup three at once) up hopefully by the end of this week. Thanks for understanding!!