
I know a fanfic is gonna be good when the author is talking about some “sorru this isn’t good” or “my hole family died in a plane wreck” and they only update once a year 


PLEASE READ!! if you guys haven’t heard turns out both moon twins are infact racist! i guess people who went to school with both of them said Brady liked to mock asians and mexicans by mocking the way they talked ( so as connor ) and i guess there also homophobic and mocking the pan flag! and saying the n word MULTIPLE TIMES in a soccer gc ( said by several people who knew him ) and is also a clout chaser and used his black friend who’s younger then him to take the blame! 


it has infact come to my attention that Brady noon has said the n word in one of his live streams so I have unpublished “SATURN” for the time being till he makes a statement about it. I will not condone in white people who think they have rights to say that word. and for his grown age too. 


i needa make some damn friends who can give ideas for new chapters and help motivate each other 


@trulyangie lmk when you follow me so no one else’s sees my ig