
Hi love the update in your book. Can you please please do me a favor. Can you make it that lucy gets away, and go's in to hiding from the hearts and fares. But gets tracked down by the fares and chapered. or something like that !!!!  :')♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.please.


I'll see what I can do, since I'm pressed for time and my writers block is back that'll probably be a good base for a chapter 


I followed you can you please update the story  ( agents of fairytail )♡☆


@catgirllove100  :-D i'm glad you liked it! I won't spoil to much but i'll see what I can do. About Lucy having Dragon Slayer powers, well that may be a huge maybe. I'm relying heavily on the events of the show so she'll have her own powers with a bit of something else as you go along. Thanks for commenting!


@catgirllove100 hi so I love the new chapter can u do me a favor can you make lucy win but then get chapered by Ezra. that would be awesome and make lucy have Dragon slayer powers. u don't have to but if you want can u.