
Hi I haven't been active in ages lmaooooo 
          	Uh, my writing had improved a bit in my opinion so like, is anyone actually interested in me editing tattooed soulmates? Or me writing the sequel?? Respond to this, or message me if you want cause if no one wants it to happen I'm not gonna fool with it tbh 


Hi I haven't been active in ages lmaooooo 
          Uh, my writing had improved a bit in my opinion so like, is anyone actually interested in me editing tattooed soulmates? Or me writing the sequel?? Respond to this, or message me if you want cause if no one wants it to happen I'm not gonna fool with it tbh 


To anyone reading Tattooed Soulmates, please reply to this and tell me if it has a whole chapter or if it ends at Dean talking to Sam cause its not showing the whole thing but I typed the whole thing and Idk its being dumb, please helpe out because this is really stressful  
          I love you guys!! (⌒▽⌒)


I'm a few hours late for this, BUT I UPDATED ((finally)) the new chapter is up and I'm not sure how long till the next one will go up, it all depends on when I feel inspired 
          By I haven forgotten about my story and do plan on continuing!!! Hopeful for a while!!