
hi! ik i don't have many followers here, but for anyone who's been keeping up w/my story: sorry for the brief hiatus i've been on! i took a break from writing my main story to write a short drabble in the same LiS universe, b/c things were getting kinda heavy in my main fic and so I wanted a short change of pace, but after publishing that, i ran into some family and work issues and needed to take a bit of a break, sorry. the next chapter for 'What We Own' is still underway though, promise :-)! still some time until it's published, but i am back to writing it once again lol


i’m so excited to check out ur works!!


@pacifymypizza !! sorry for just now getting back to this oml, but if you've read them already, i really hope you liked them!! i really liked both yr warren and nathan stories lol, so this means a lot to me!!


hi! ik i don't have many followers here, but for anyone who's been keeping up w/my story: sorry for the brief hiatus i've been on! i took a break from writing my main story to write a short drabble in the same LiS universe, b/c things were getting kinda heavy in my main fic and so I wanted a short change of pace, but after publishing that, i ran into some family and work issues and needed to take a bit of a break, sorry. the next chapter for 'What We Own' is still underway though, promise :-)! still some time until it's published, but i am back to writing it once again lol