
What is something you all think I need to improve on? Like grammar story telling that type of thing 


I am alive. Everyone, Im just struggling to do good storytelling rn, I have, however, gotten at least good parts down (I hope), and I feel like this chapter is gonna be better, but idk :/


@Mrpulsar13 I'll keep note of that thank you!


Hello and good to hear you’re doing alright! If you feel like you can’t get anything good down? Still write as you can edit it later and if you have a hard time of thinking of anything, I would recommend taking a walk as it boosts creativity. You can also gain inspiration from other sources as they strive you to come up with your own. I believe you got this, you’re getting there!


Hey just wanted to confirm if you got the idea post that I sent? Wattpad has been acting up lately for me and I was wondering if it was just me or if anyone else is having problems? 


@JamesL1234 I have been having issues as well whenever I try making a chapter it started happening after a few chapters making the 2nd installment 


@JamesL1234 ok glad it went through. Must be my phone or something giving me trouble.


@JamesL1234 nope not at all I got them all and I appreciate the help!


Almost forgot another possibility would be if you're going to do go with the route of having the human character meet up like hook up with a completely new anthro character one thing that you could possibly do is have the character of Tristan have like a family member male or female again depending on if you want the human to be male or female have them be sympathetic towards humanity I mean obviously they could be upset that their cousin or something or relative was killed by Brian but also they understand that the family member question shows to go against them they chose to be you know hateful and not let go of the past or something like that and then you could have like a bit of a drama thing between Tristan and the family member and Tristan could perhaps end up joining the FF group or something like that another possible thought.


one where you've got multiple factions that it's a technological and evolutionary arms race basically. Again this is like a very basic draft idea I could probably expand on a little bit more if you needed but that's my current thoughts on it I do apologize for the delay on this had to deal with some stuff hopefully this helps. part 6. Again sorry for the multiple parts Wattpad is being a bit of a pain in the ass right now getting the information sent.