
Sorry, I republished the first part of my mafia story, because I have just realised a mistake I made (not reallly important, it doesn’t change anything in the story).
          	This also means that I’m working on the next chapter for the book, ahahaha, look out for it.


@ phoebe-durm  Can't wait! 


Sorry, I republished the first part of my mafia story, because I have just realised a mistake I made (not reallly important, it doesn’t change anything in the story).
          This also means that I’m working on the next chapter for the book, ahahaha, look out for it.


@ phoebe-durm  Can't wait! 


Soooo... Universities are closed officially in Hungary too. Which sucks, but now I have a lot of time in my life :D I have already started on a new project a few weeks ago, so what about doing some more and publishing it? It's my first ever motorsport-F1-F2 fanfiction, but  I hope you guys will like it. 
          Look out for that Mick and Maffia kinda fanfic!!! I'm so excited.


Ahahaha, girlsss, I hope you are half as excited than me then, cause even that’s a lot ;)


Sis I’m quaking 


@ phoebe-durm  Sounds goood!! 


When the whole Formula E field is in Valencia (like you) with Mitch Evans, Nyck de Vries and Stoffel Vandoorne, but you’re in the university, having classes and still have no chance to meet them... And also the FE testing is only open to the media, so. Really noooo chance, nobody cares, if you’re a big fan of Mitch Evans for years now :D


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I realised that the second (and maybe most important) part didn’t get upload, oh my word. Here it is!!!
          With one of my friends, who is a big fan of Vettel and Ferrari, we went there to check the cars around, and when we stand in the middle of like a hundred of people, a little boy yelled behind us, that there’s Max Verstappen. I was shocked. He was casually going around a little area, where also the car was, and he was giving autographs. Unfortunately we were very far, so no, I didn’t get autograph or a photo, ahaha, but I believe I got an even better experience. Seeing him from distance was amazing, but after he was gone, we went closer to the fence, to the first row, to check out the RB car, and it looked amazing. And then suddenly, the Red Bull staff was out again, and who came behind them? Whoooo? MAX FUCKING VERSTAPPEN. He was standing next to the car, and let me tell you, the car was 1,5 meters away from me. So Max fucking Verstappen was standing barely 1 meter away from me. ONE METER AWAY FROM ME. I’m not joking I could’ve touched him, if I wanted to. 1 meter!!!! And then he got into the car, and he talked to the engineers around him, and then he got out. And I heard his voice in real life. Oh my gosh. It was amazing. 


@phoebe-durm well yeah but falling in love all over


@f1lovesme you haven’t already????


So a few more things about him and the program:
          1. He looks even better in person than in the tv, on the pictures.
          2. Those. Legs. And. That. Thigh. And. That. Bum. Usually I’m not looking to a boy’s legs, but oh my gosh. You couldn’t not watch at his. I just can’t get over his thighs. Help me. 
          3. He was cute. A boy next to me yelled his name, and Max turned to him smiling and giving a thumbs up. Awww.
          4. He enjoyed his time there. Or at least he looked like that. Last year he was so bored, and moody, he did the must-done things, and that’s all. It really looked like he wanted to go home. But now he was smiling brightly, chatting away with the staff, and when he came out of the car, he looked like a little kid, who got sweets, a huge grin on his face. He was talkative during the interview to a Hungarian sport channel, and he looked so natural, doing donuts, waving during driving, etc. It was nice to see him like that.
          5. Jerome D’Ambrosio was here with a Formula E car too. The voice of it was so funny, ahaha.
          6. We did with my friend the pit stop challenge, and we were awful, but it was funny.
          7. We also did the reaction challenge, we weren’t that bad in that.
          I’m still here fangirling over my day, to be honest, it was amazing. I can’t stop smiling. So thank you so much for reading, if you reached the end, ahaha.
          Big hugs,
          Ps.: I made a lot of videos and pictures, but I can’t insert them here, but I posted a lot of them on instagram story, so if you want to check them out, dm me here,  and I’ll send to you my username. Also I’m not a private account, so you can watch it without following me. 


@f1lovesme that’s obvious, I looked like that 


@phoebe-durm just watch as Max goes past, heart eyeing him the whole time ;D


@f1lovesme  Hahaha, yes, poooor Max. I haven’t realised earlier, that his legs are this good tho


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Guys, I’m never writing here, but I believe you’ll appreciate this little story, so I want to share it with you. Today is the best day of my life probably. Right now, I’m living in Budapest and there is a big show on 1 May every year. A big motorsport show, where different drivers are driving around of the streets of Budapest, doing some donuts, giving autographs and every year there is a Formula 1 driver, and this year (just like last year actually, but this time the whole program was better) this guest was my favorite driver, Max fucking Verstappen. Do you see where this story goes? Ahaha. 
          This year, before the cars where going around, we could visit the paddock, where we could watch the cars from close, like the Red Bull they brought (it was the RB7, aka the championship winning car of 2011, and Max was driving it later), some classic cars, a Formula E car, Nascar, etc.
          [My story is too long, so the next few messages are going to be also about this.]


@f1lovesme I’m sure that these are amazing too, ahaha, but it’s bad that as a motorsport fan you can’t take part in events like I was talking about


@f1lovesme or into horse racing which is weird