
@maria_danciguer I'm so so sorry to worry you and thank you so so so much for looking out for me and staying with me. u ma fav <3 


@maria_danciguer you are a gorgeous human being let me say that much. I'm great, fantastic even, thankyou so much for asking.  
          Because you are such a lovely lovely person who asked what everyone is thinking about this fic in a way that made me smile rather than want to crawl into a hole, I think you deserve an explanation. everyone deserves an explanation. basically I have had enough on my plate even without this, and soon BDYW became something else that would stress me to the point of near anxiety, rather than something that would help me relax, as it used to be. I don't wanna have a bad association with this world I have created and I want it to be something that everyone involved enjoys. at the moment, it's something I'm not enjoying and for that I'm so sorry. 
          chapter 15 was written about 3 times, and each time I pretty much deleted the whole thing. a mixture of writers block and stress over how long I was making you guys wait (although you truly are fully supportive and amazing, it's probably just me I swear) made me decide to just ignore it. and ignore it. and ignore it. it got to a point where I couldn't open the Wattpad app on my iPad. I left it alone to simmer for ages, and if I'm being truthful, it helped a lot with getting me back on track with the rest of my life. I feel heaps better. Although I really do miss Breaking Down Your Walls. 
          but, this is not goodbye. as much as it may sound like it is, it really isn't. I have ideas and strategies on how I can make this work. I honestly honestly understand if you guys decide to delete this from your shelves but for those of you who stay, I will try my best to keep you entertained for a little longer. thankyou so so so much for sticking with me, anyone who happens to come across this, you are really what make these so worth while. 
          I love you


hey chickadees! 
          im just here to let you know that 
          1. im not dead
          2. neither is breaking down your walls 
          3. im updating within the next 3-4 days! 
          im very very very sorry it's been so long but thankyou for sticking with me! 
          lots and lots and lots of love,
          kim xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Ok so I'm so sorry to keep everyone waiting for this next update and I said that I'd try to have it up in the next few hours but I don't think it's gonna happen. Honestly I just want the bloody update to happen but I really do NOT want to risk rushing it so I'm so sorry. Hopefully it will not be too long before I get the chance to upload the darn thing so please bare with me. 
          I love you guys loads, thankyou so so much for understanding. 
          Have an excellent rest of the holiday season. 