
You guys... That's it. We're done.
          	I just uploaded the twelfth chapter of the second part of Watched, the grande finale. It's over.
          	I don't know what story I'm going to upload next, I really don't. I've been writing a lot of stories, which means that I haven't exactly been productive in one specific one. It's sort of a jack-of-all-trades kind of dilemma.
          	Over Christmas break, I'll try to figure out what story to commit to next. Commitment is a scary thing, though, and there is nothing I can guarantee. If I feel like it's taking too long, I'll post a short story to stall for time.
          	Thank you for sticking with it, to those of you who have been reading since the beginning. It's been wild. I do have a question, though.
          	For the next story, longer, shorter, or around the same length? I have some of each, ha. I have one that is MUCH longer,  a couple of short stories (I think?), and some that are generally the same length. Let me know.
          	Keep dreaming, always,
          	PB ~ εïз


You guys... That's it. We're done.
          I just uploaded the twelfth chapter of the second part of Watched, the grande finale. It's over.
          I don't know what story I'm going to upload next, I really don't. I've been writing a lot of stories, which means that I haven't exactly been productive in one specific one. It's sort of a jack-of-all-trades kind of dilemma.
          Over Christmas break, I'll try to figure out what story to commit to next. Commitment is a scary thing, though, and there is nothing I can guarantee. If I feel like it's taking too long, I'll post a short story to stall for time.
          Thank you for sticking with it, to those of you who have been reading since the beginning. It's been wild. I do have a question, though.
          For the next story, longer, shorter, or around the same length? I have some of each, ha. I have one that is MUCH longer,  a couple of short stories (I think?), and some that are generally the same length. Let me know.
          Keep dreaming, always,
          PB ~ εïз


Only kind of sorry I didn't update yesterday, because it's not really my fault and I have a good excuse. This chapter was REALLY long. Well over 7000 words.
          I'll update again tomorrow, for tonight I'll have homework and research for my forensics speech.
          Keep dreaming,
          PB ~ εïз


...I'm neglecting my homework, I'm uploading another chapter.


I did update Watched, I posted chapter five. I know I said I would try for multiple chapters tonight, and if I can, I will, but the chapters are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter, the school day is getting longer, and I always have more and more homework.
          On the bright side, I did pass my driving test. I have my license!
          Okay, back to the story. I will finish Watched, I promise I will, but as for tonight...
          I'll do my best.
          Keep dreaming,
          PB ~ εïз


          Here we are again. Apparently, homework sucks. Who knew, right? One assignment just took me about five hours, and I have two or three left to go. It doesn't look like I'll get around to posting another chapter tonight, as sleep is also a necessary evil, but to make up for it I will attempt to post another couple of chapters (PLURAL) tomorrow.
          Keep dreaming,
          PB ~ εïз


There we go, see? True to my word, three new chapters up in less than 24 hours.
          We're already 2/3 of the way through all of Watched! Not sure what I'll publish after... I have a couple of ideas, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe you guys could vote or something? I have either an incredibly long realistic-ish fantasy or another realistic fiction. We'll work that out when Watched is finished.
          Keep dreaming,
          PB ~ εïз


Okay, long story short, I'm an awful human being. I have completely neglected Watched for so long that I honestly forgot about it entirely. I'm writing at least a dozen other stories, I need to edit my longest story, which isn't posted yet at all, and school is super stressful.
          I'm so sorry. I have a driving test this weekend, but I'm going to do my best to work more on it. I will abandon my current fantasy, mythology, realism, and completed-but-unedited stories for as long as I can until I finish uploading Watched.
          The story is finished, it just needs editing and uploading. I'm literally just awful at staying focused on editing anything at all. I'll do my best, I promise.
          Keep dreaming,
          PB~ εïз


I am so inactive I'm the worst I'm sorry oh my goodness. I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. Tomorrow I will go on an editing marathon and post like five chapters of Watched, I pinky promise. I have no idea how I would function with an actual deadline, I would probably be a mess. I am so so so sorry!!
          On the bright side, Watched is actually finished? I just have to edit the chapters before posting them, so there is literally no excuse for me not to do that now.
          Dream on,
          PB ~ εïз


Hi guys, I'm sorry I've been so inactive. This happens every time I get close to finishing a story. Every time I hit the last chapter, I avoid even editing earlier chapters like the plague. I'm almost done with Watched, which means I haven't been writing or editing it. I have some time off tomorrow and I'll try to get the next chapter done then, I promise. There are 24 chapters total, 12 in part one and 12 in part two, in case anyone was curious. And yes, it gets so much better.
          Thank you for your patience. If it helps, the story I've been working on instead is something completely different from anything I've ever done before, but that's all the information you're getting on that one right now.
          Dream on,
          PB ~ εïз


If anyone is interested, I do have a fully completed story available now. It's a short story, about 3,000 words long. The Second Life of Elliott Page is about a boy who attempts to commit suicide and meets Death before he can fully die. 
          I'm also still updating Watched, if you're following that! Thank you all so much for your support, it really means a lot. That's coming from me and "Elliott Schrodinger"s other half, as well! If you're not following a_drawn_angel, you really should be; she's twice the writer I am, but only half of our alias, ha.
          Dream on,
          PB ~ εïз