
Hey guys! Chapter six is up along with a message at the end of the chapter. It's a long one, this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! Give it a like, comment, and vote if you can; it would mean the world to me! That's all I have for you, bye for now!
          	Black Lives Matter.


Hey guys! Chapter six is up along with a message at the end of the chapter. It's a long one, this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! Give it a like, comment, and vote if you can; it would mean the world to me! That's all I have for you, bye for now!
          Black Lives Matter.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating this week. With everything going on, I couldn’t find it in me to write and post. Instead, I’ve been trying to contribute to the cause as much as I can. I’ve been making phone calls, texting, signing petitions, and I’m actually going to start donating. I haven’t been able to attend a protest, bc of personal reasons, but I don’t want to sit and be silent. 
          Again, sorry for not posting, but I should have a chapter up by next week. Thank you, and always, black lives matter. 


Hey guys! Chapter 4 AND Chapter 5 are up with a very important note at the end. is a very helpful website that offers many many resources you can use to help during this time. I know it's hard, but it's about time we speak up and do something about the problem that is police brutality in this country. We cannot afford to be silent. We cannot afford to be neutral. Stay safe, and speak up. BlackLivesMatter.


Hi everyone! I'm going to be posting Chapter 3 of Paid Partnership right now! I plan on releasing the fourth chapter tomorrow. It's already written, I just need to go over it so expect TWO new chapters!! Hope you guys like it!!


Hi guys!! Long time no see ://. I wish I had a better reason for my absence, but all I can say is I lacked the drive, inspiration, and motivation to write another book. BUT, I am back and (hopefully) better!
          I started a new project called Paid Partnership. The first TWO chapters are UP. If you're seeing this, go give it a read and I hope you enjoy it. Thanks, guys :).


Hey guys! Since my only book 4E4S is still getting reads and comments and votes, I decided to (IF I HAVE TIME) alter and fix it because there is a lottttt of things wrong with it. Don't even get me started on the grammar. My freshman english teacher would have my head if she saw it. Well, IF I HAVE TIME I will fix it. I might alter the storyline just a tad because it didn't really make sense you know? Finals are coming up and if I don't fix it this year just know IT WILL BE FIXED. IT WILL. Love you guys!