
(Made a mistake in the original post)
          	Check out @cold_pizza_ for a POLISH translation of Fallen from Grace! If you guys can read Polish or want to see the book in another language... go and read it!!
          	A MASSIVE thank you for using your free time to translate this and publish it! 


@ peripxteia  ❤❤


(Made a mistake in the original post)
          Check out @cold_pizza_ for a POLISH translation of Fallen from Grace! If you guys can read Polish or want to see the book in another language... go and read it!!
          A MASSIVE thank you for using your free time to translate this and publish it! 


@ peripxteia  ❤❤


I am reading Saving Kitty. I appreciate that you researched poisonous flowers... I love it when an author makes this kind of 'extra effort'. 
          ...but I did spot a really annoying mistake. You mixed up the timeline. In one scene you have her talking to someone about the Royal daughter who was 8 at the time of the attack, and disappeared. She said that witnessing the murders of her family would have messed with her mind....and a few other things.  That if she was still alive, she would be about 20...
          Later in the story, her father says the Royal daughter gave birth 18 years ago. (At 2 years old?!) Then think about how long ago the Royals were her grandfather's time.    3 inconsistent timelines. 
          Sorry, but it annoys me when an author forgets what was written earlier- or ammends the direction the story was going, but forgot to go back and edit for consistency.  You are NOT the only author to do this. Pet peve, I guess. 


@PageTurnersPen Hi! This isn't actually an error; if I recall, in this section she's talking to Micah and they are talking ABOUT the attack - neither were there. They're hypothetically talking about how the princess would be, had she survived. If you want, I can explain it further in messages (I don't want to spoil it here) but essentially this but you're referring to is just me not being clear in my writing :)


I saw one of your A/N where you said you watched a video of voices fighting to write it realistically. I really appreciate that. Too many people don't research even the simplest thing ( blood type C, really?). 
          I enjoyed Riley, and expect to enjoy your next book also. I have plenty of story ideas myself...fleshing them out is far harder. Even if I have a general idea of how things should play out, it can be hard finding all the pieces I want to include. The easiest part can be the first chapter or so, and perhaps a theme. 
          There are lots of werewolf stories about abuse, but I haven't yet done the research I need on some of that. Some of my stories need informed details about therapy, stages of recovery.... 
          How else can I write realistically about a young Luna rescued from horror and needing a therapist...? Psych majors or trained psychologists who don't think the supernatural is all in her head may be hard to come by. If the only one available was of a race she now had a serious phobia about.... 
          Another story demands that I learn not just why women stay in abusive relationships, but - perhaps more importantly - why some decide to leave. 
          Self-centered  studs are easier to describe than the process of growing out of it fast when brutal consequences hit a guy in the face. Recognising he did/was wrong is not the same as opening his worldview to embrace other viewpoints and the value of people he had dismissed as beneath him.  
          The status concious cliques are sort of like racism, aren't they? Being anti- toward members of a group simply because you were taught not to like the group is the same, isn't it? 
          Getting to know an individual(s) can change your opinion of them....and of the group. What sorts of personal experiences have the most impact?  
          I have lots of story ideas, and want to have something finished and in the bag before I start posting any chapters. A hard part is deciding what to finish, or finish first.


I'll update chapter 12 soon, but unfortunately my memory stick decided to delete and corrupt itself and so i've lost loads of files - i'm currently trying to see if i can salvage some stuff! apologies guys :( it also means i might have lost a lot of work in regards to my other stories and uni work! i'll keep you updated!
          but i hope you all have a lovely christmas too <3


Hi! Is this still happening?