
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I care so deeply about others? 


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God. You've done it. Congrats. You've gone and taken my heart and then fucking shattered it. You said that after a certain period of time we'd see how we felt about each other.. You asked me to not ignore you at school.. I told you there is not ignoring you.. I just want my baby back.


Your writing is beautiful, I just finished reading Breathe and though the ending was bittersweet, it reminds us that not all the people that come into our lives were meant to stay, even if we thought they made every day so much more beautiful and precious. 


@Unnoticed_invisible Thank you. At the time the ending to the book was how I felt. And again I've ridden through the story line, and this comment reminds me that I'm not the only one that sometimes feels unloved. I appreciate that you read it all the way through and have grabbed the real purpose to the words.