
hi guys !! check out this story a friend of mine wrote, it’s a mario/elizabeth fic <3 i’m so in love with it my heart is FULL 


@peqqcrmint idk man it's kinda sus :/


hi guys!! :) i just posted the last chapter and epilogue to darko. this story has been so fun to write and i hope all of you enjoyed reading it!  with that being said, im really excited to see where star stable takes darko's character. this whole story was kind of an imagine of what might/could of happened. ;) and i may be posting some other short stories if i get inspiration now and again.
          i love all of you and thank you for your support!! 
          -em ♡


helloo everyone!! first off, i want to say thank you for 3k reads on darko!!! that's so crazy to think about and coming back from vacation to be surprised with it was amazing. <3 a new chapter will also be posted this week! i hope everyone had a good first day for those who have already started school and keep a look out. :)
          - em