
btw after kitaorang break my friend show me, dia dengan perempuan yang i memang dah syak. yes perempuan yang dia exposed tu. SUPRISEE!!!!


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please la for those yang terfall dengan orang dalam ni idk what to say but based on my experience they're manipulate u, all his word semua sweet till kau rasa macam kau je yang bahagia. the last time aku kena i waste for fucking 4 years. and dalam masa 4 years tu akan ada dia cari aku balik n yes i was dumb cuz accept dia balik. 15/5 this year we choose to break up cuz memang tak sehaluan even though dah susah senang sama sama. for me its just wasting my time. i think this year one of my friend ada ss tele dia, dia buat story about this one girl. aku macam "eh saper ni?" so i decided to stalked n yes aku tak penah tengok dia exposed aku tapi perempuan ni dia exposed. for fuck sick dia tak penah exposed aku kat mana mana. bila aku tanya saper perempuan tu he said time kitaorang break dia jumpa perempuan tu. aku dah pelik asal tak delete padahal kau dah dengan aku. then kitaorang bincang apa semua he decided nak stay so both of us go on w this relay. sampai la 15/5 he said "dah jumpa orang baru, nak move on dari kau" n yes aku accept apa yang jadi
          +add on dry texter
          + always busy
          +sweet talker but toxic
          moral of the story find someone that can treat u the way u want.


weh. lama tak tegur hang.


camtula cycle nye.


aku delete acc sekejap , pastu bukak balik.


ahshagsjahsja yeaa kau pun all the bestt spm !