
Thank you everyone for the well wishes, positive thoughts and vibe sent my way.  I appreciate everyone who waits for my updates and encourages me everyday to continue writing.  In the past I have said that The Blood Queen is in hiatus, however I have had several request to update The Blood Queen.  With this in mind, I have decided to slowly… I mean SLOWLY update The Blood Queen when I have extra time. 
          	Thank you for your love, your patience and your support.  xoxo -ptd 


@passtheduch stopping by again to see how you are, if you and your family are ok? this crazy period we are living is not being easy... I wish you a lot of health and strength to get through this moment.


@passtheduch  dear, I love all your novel's! Thank you so much for your hard work and for providing such joy in my day!
          	  Lots of strength, luck and imagination ... you are an extremely talented person!