
          	working on a bizarre book called BONE CRUSH- basically it's a rewrite of my tears ricochet set in season three... following the same plot but a deeper look into Woodbury with the idea that Daryl has a bio daughter living that he lost custody of prior to the world ending. 
          	basically MTR is being mixed with broken claims. 
          	I promise it won't suck. (maybe.) (im trusting the process) 
          	this will not run the exact same as MTR. this will have different deaths, relationships, and a longer story arch getting to the commonwealth. 
          	I feel like daryl adopts a lot of wayward daughters in the stories... but now the man is outnumbered by two daughters. (the angst is doubled.)


@thestarscolide Thank you <3 I am so excited for this one!!!


@passionpita oh I'm SO EXCITED to see the plotline!!! Your writing never ever disappoints!


Hello! I’m a really big fan of your stories, especially “my tears ricochet”, but I just wanted to ask you a question about some of the recent themes of your stories. One of the many reasons I liked your stories was your ability to create an interesting story full of angst and drama, but still keep it relatively innocent which I loved because it made the story a good escape from reality. But I’ve noticed lately you’ve started writing some pretty dark stuff like the scene with the pregnant women in terminous, and the most recent chapter you posted of ivy. Just a bit of constructive criticism and you 100% don’t have to listen to me because it’s your story lol, and I still love your stories!!! They are the best and very well written, but I just wanted to ask what prompted this sudden change because personally I loved the old way that you wrote.


@RheaO86 Hi! MTR would've been a lot darker if I actually killed people off with canon and I made a choice to keep things a little happier. My current work is hoping to go further and it'll be more true to canon. The pregnant woman detail was 100% inspired from Maggie talking about finding pregnant bodies when they're stuck in the subway. I made a choice to make Ivy's Woodbury storyline a little more vague in MTR but I wanted her and Leigh to have very different dealings with Philip in terms of trauma. My plan is for Bone Crush to move between the good and the bad, but for what I want, the bad has to be a little more present. Plus, I'm trying to open up some plots/areas to new angles (ie the terminus shift because repeating the same story is super boring)-- thanks for liking my first style, hopefully once the plot mellows a bit it won't be so dark.


          working on a bizarre book called BONE CRUSH- basically it's a rewrite of my tears ricochet set in season three... following the same plot but a deeper look into Woodbury with the idea that Daryl has a bio daughter living that he lost custody of prior to the world ending. 
          basically MTR is being mixed with broken claims. 
          I promise it won't suck. (maybe.) (im trusting the process) 
          this will not run the exact same as MTR. this will have different deaths, relationships, and a longer story arch getting to the commonwealth. 
          I feel like daryl adopts a lot of wayward daughters in the stories... but now the man is outnumbered by two daughters. (the angst is doubled.)


@thestarscolide Thank you <3 I am so excited for this one!!!


@passionpita oh I'm SO EXCITED to see the plotline!!! Your writing never ever disappoints!


Will you be updating my tears ricochet 


@leovaldezisonfiree thank you!! it’s called Mirrorball! It’s very much Ivy/Beth/Enid’s friendship inspired with three girls investigating a local girl’s death + magic and witchcraft! It also has Daryl, Abraham, and Rosita’s characters written in to some extent.  I’m just trying to get the first draft written out before I lose momentum and then I can take a breather and switch back to MTR. The fic just gave me an original idea to bring the characters into some what 


Oh damn you’re writing a novel? That’s sick! What’s it’s about? What’s it called?


@leovaldezisonfiree  I will, yes! Currently finished the first draft of a novel which I'm hoping will be done... by November first? And then I'll be resuming/wrapping up MTR. I started a smaller project only because it popped in my head and won't leave me alone but it isn't the priority.


TWO THINGS!! I've been having heart issues and I am behind with everything so updates are going to be a little slower but they are definitely coming
          and mirrorball is a really weird au featuring the characters from my tears ricochet because I really wanted Ivy, Beth, Enid having a fun adventure where they solve murders and there's magic, and I know it's weird, but that's it.