
Is it just me or des David Thewlis seem like a problematic person judging by his insta..I’m getting bad vibes


MARRIGE is so weird. Like imagine loving someone so much you’re like let’s get the government involved. Then let’s throw a huge ceremony costing millions of dollars and invite everyone I ever made eye contact with. Lets also sign documents that say that if u decide to leave I’m gonna take half your property and if you do leave we’re gonna get the government involved again. AND when the whole ceremony is over we’re gonna go to a different country and fück. Then come back and move in together and forever sleep in one bed cuz if we don’t that means we are mad at each other. WHO TF CAME UP WITH MARRIGE. If you have anymore weird add on things write them down.


Yk how everyone talks about how bad the casting for the Marauders in the films is. They say that the actors were older than they needed to be and all that jazz BUT WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE FACT THAT SNIVELIUS WAS IN THE SAME YEAR AS THEM SO HE NEEDED TO BE 31 IN THE FIRST MOVIE BUT ALAN RICKMAN WAS 55 IN THE FIRST MOVIE AND HE ALSO PLAYED THE PART IN GODRICKS HOLLOW WHERE HE NEEDED TO BE 21 BUT THE BÏTCH (Srry all ly) WAS 55