


@panda_lover2323 Hey there! Are you still doing book covers?


Hello! Are you still open to do covers? If so I need one. The title is 'aliens heart' and us should have (preferably) something with two girls in space. I'm the author @honeydewcandy and the genre is romance! Aliens heart is about an astronaut travelling to mars, making a wrong turn she finds a galactic woman who seems to rule the milkyway. I will give a mention in the book itself / description! :) 
          Sorry it's not that well. I could use it in about a weeks time. Thank you ^^


Hey, r u still making covers?
          If so, can you please make one for me.
          I'm @immachiken and i would like it to say Dreamcatcher.
          Can it have a girl holding a dreamcatcher on it.
          And that is it, please message me when you are done.
          If you accept this 'job'.
          I will also write a dedication on that book for you as your payment.
          Sorry i can't do better, but hopefully that is enough.
          Thank you if you accept it,
          I will probably write a dedication 4 u anyway.
          - imma


S. T.   Love Today
          Author - Apoorva
          Lexi has all, a well paid job, her ride and die girl friend, a beautiful  apartment of her own, supportive parents and literary every thing which a girl wishes for.
          Her life seems too good to be true, like nothing can go wrong, right?
          So what happens when her Friday's one night stand,(who made her scream louder than a loud speaker), walk in her work place as her boss and the CEO's son?
          Well if you are interested please do and don't worry about you payment


S. T.   Love Today
          Author - Apoorva
          Lexi has all, a well paid job, her ride and die girl friend, a beautiful  apartment of her own, supportive parents and literary every thing which a girl wishes for.
          Her life seems too good to be true, like nothing can go wrong, right?
          So what happens when her Friday's one night stand,(who made her scream louder than a loud speaker), walk in her work place as her boss and the CEO's son?
          Well if you are interested please do and don't worry about you payment