
@bludiamond321 well they are not supportive then! Hahaha I hope you make more in the future!~ :) and that you update soon! >,< I'm like excited to read the next chapter @-) lol I really want to know this "Majesty" stuff and about Kevin!! I also hope he gets a mate that is not a mean man! 


@vansalim18 thanks for the support and I'm just gonna say that Kevin is still Warrens mate. ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


@bludiamond321 well they are not supportive then! Hahaha I hope you make more in the future!~ :) and that you update soon! >,< I'm like excited to read the next chapter @-) lol I really want to know this "Majesty" stuff and about Kevin!! I also hope he gets a mate that is not a mean man! 


@vansalim18 thanks for the support and I'm just gonna say that Kevin is still Warrens mate. ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ