
Got an OC you need an outside eye on? I got cha, man. Just put up a book for OCs, just do you can double check if it's not a Mary Sue/ Gary Stu!
          	The things I do at 1 in the morning.


Why are you cyber-bullying people? Does it make you feel good, like your better than others? I can't stand by while someone is being bullied, I am standing up for @Hurri_The_Runaway . Now please stop, you know you ARE better than that. You are an amazing person, but right now, you aren't letting  that show, and are letting jealously blind you. Please, I know you can be a better person...


@timberwolf77 and ps, she's not the victim. P0keTheArtist is getting daily hate because she sent them. I know I'm not better than anyone. Hurri can only be better than herself and should learn from this mistake. 


@timberwolf77 What is there to be jealous of? I'm not bullying. Everyone is overreacting. Hurri sent her fans to cyber bully someone. Please rethink who you're trying to protect. She obviously needs a therapist seeing the way she reacted to someone calmly telling her what she did. She threatened to KILL HERSELF because someone said it's not acceptable to steal art. 