
hit me.  unless you're too scared to~? 


          	  christian...  or chris..  *  the rather odd male offered a gentle smile.  *   you can call me yoshiharu..


of course of course ! my names christian mi amigos call me chris . you ?


          	  do i know?  not really...  but if you don't want to tell,  i won't make you~  though,  i think i should at least know your name.. 


it's  pitiful  ,  i  know  !  crawling  back  like  this  !  but  darling  ,  i  do  so  miss  your  sweet  little  moans  when  i  sink  my  teeth  into  your  neck  ─  you  have  me  hooked  ~  !


            *  yoshiharu tilted his head just a bit so he was leaning into the demons touch,  eyes half lided as a faint smile remained on his lips.  *  the sounds..?  well,  there are always more where those came from..  and that's fine.  who says i want to get rid of you?


i  didn't  expect  to  come  back  ,  either  ..  it's  not  that  i  missed  hurting  you  ,  i  missed  the  SOUNDS  ,  the  noises  ..   *  he  gently  stroked  the  other's  cheek  *   sorry  ,  hun  .  it  might  take  a  while  to  be  rid  of  me  .


            O-Oh...?  You..  came back?  Isn't that surprising..  most people never come back.  They hurt me some and that's that.  So...  I don't think it's pitiful.  It's more flattering than anything.


Oh dear me— its dangerous to be out at such an hour all alone .


            A bit...  yes.  *  the golden eyed boy heaved a sigh,  his arms wrapped around his own lower body a bit.  he offered the stranger a light smile,  though.  *  No offense,  but you don't look dangerous at all..


@painlovings            It must be so disappointing then, that you only found little old me . *dark crimson eyes study the others movements as the slender vampire licked at his fangs * 


            yes...  i know it is..  that's the whole point,  you see.  wandering around dangerous places...  hoping to find dangerous people~


samael almost hated it .  somehow ,  mostly through absolute recklessness , opposed to his usual calmness , he'd been stabbed in the side by some wretched demon . wings scathed and bruised . it also did happen he was near the other's abode , and so he had decided to crash in , mostly because his wings were too scathed to fly for the moment . he needed time , however little , to heal , and he planned to do it there . 
          he didn't bother knowing if it was someone he knew or not , he was pushing his way through the door with a limp , hand by his side and wings out . an odd sight if anyone had been out at that time .


            "so..  you'll stay for a bit,  then?"  yoshiharu shrugged then stretched his arms above his head after getting to his feet,  showing his pale stomach just a bit before walking over to the angel.  he bit into his lip then rose an eyebrow with a soft laugh.  "i'm not knowledgeable..  but if you tell me what to do,  i'll do it."  he spoke,  putting some of his fingertips against the angels wing very gently with a smile.


‧₊˚✞  @painlovings 
            " i'd rather not stay / for long / "
            samael corrected bluntly , sharply breathing in as he got ready to snap it back in place . although he paused when he glanced back up to the other 
            " you did say you weren't knowledgeable about this . help if you can "
            his words being quite sharp , as he turned his attention back to it . he ripped down cloth from his bloody shirt to stuff in his mouth , knowing how his wings were sensitive , coupled with this was probably going to hurt more than hèll .


            "you don't want to stay?"  glancing around his mess of a living room,  the kiznaiver gave a soft chuckle.  carefully,  he put his first aid stuff back in the box then set it down before seating himself down on the couch,  hugging his knees now.  he watched the other in silence,  the corners of his lips turned down just slightly though he wasn't really frowning.  "i can /try/ to help you with that...  if you want~?"


Ah, we meet again.        *  the sin lightly bit into his piercings a cigarette in a tattooed hand flicking the ashes onto the ground without a second thought coming to his mind  * 


            *  golden hues drifted down to the males cigarette and he looked at it for a moments before giving the sin a kind,  eyes closed smile.  *  ikari?  my name is yoshiharu hisomu..  it's nice to formally meet you~


@painlovings  ╱
            *  a hum left his lips as he nodded his head slowly cigarette still between his fingers as he breathed in more of the smoke and blew it out into the air  *      ah, I am ikari though I didn't think I got your name either. 


            oh...?  yes...  i remember you~  *  the young boy uttered and had his arms crossed loosely,  a faint smile on his lips.  *  i don't think i got your name..  did i?


you seem quite complex .


            well..  that's what i am.


            of course i know what that is.


            well..  do you know what a masochist is?


\\ one liner that was requested
          The pastel boy leaves the alleyway, a grin on his face despite the fingerprint bruises around his neck. “You my next client?”


            now he shifted his weight onto one foot and let his head stay tilted,  lips twitching upwards into a smile.  "oscar...  did i ever tell you my name?  i'm yoshiharu."


            “Oscar Hawthorne, prick by name and nature” he answers with a grin. “Also like prick but there we go”


            yoshiharu narrowed his eyes a bit at the others talk about "them" and "the ones".  he didn't reply on the subject,  though,  instead putting his hands on his hips with a smile.  "so..  what's your name...?"


// ; oh my god , i remember kiznaiver !! i used to be so obsessed with it haha 


@napiersescape //i actually just found it and watched it, lol~ so luckily it's all fresh in my brain!! but yeah, it is emotionally investing and the characters are great ~ plus it's just real pretty looking. ooh :'0 if you want to make either (i forgot his name too tbh cx) i definitely wouldn't stop you!! ^•^ but you also don't have to unless you want to :'3


            // ; me too ! though it's been a while , i loved it for how emotionally investing it was uwu and for the characters too of course - aah , i'm glad , i just wanted to make sure . this kind of makes me want to make a nico or the main character ( i forgot his name , so i really do need to look some thing's up to refresh myself on it :,)) ) 


@napiersescape //i love it cx it's a great show!! and i know bby~