
I’m not sure who still is following my page but I’m sorry for being so distant. Life has been very hard specially when you can’t find anyone who would hire you. Sad I know.
          	I’m planning for the time being to get back into SMG4 writings. So don’t worry it shall be updated I promise in time.
          	Another note I’m working on a story currently that surrounds Mystery and Thriller. It’s a murder mystery supernatural story that is surrounded by Ruby Walter. (Character I designed through many drawings.. too many I believe) 
          	Anyways that’s the update from me. Thanks!


I’m not sure who still is following my page but I’m sorry for being so distant. Life has been very hard specially when you can’t find anyone who would hire you. Sad I know.
          I’m planning for the time being to get back into SMG4 writings. So don’t worry it shall be updated I promise in time.
          Another note I’m working on a story currently that surrounds Mystery and Thriller. It’s a murder mystery supernatural story that is surrounded by Ruby Walter. (Character I designed through many drawings.. too many I believe) 
          Anyways that’s the update from me. Thanks!


Released an story of the SMG4 stuff. It’s going to be slow updates I’m so sorry… I’ll also work on this arcs story too


@SmallJellybean42 thank you for being one big supporter <3


@oxXChloeLynnXxo that's okay! Take all the time you need! I'm glad you're getting back into the swing of things tho!