
I feel like I'm constantly telling you guys that for some reason or another my updates are delayed. Here I am again lol. I happen to be a caretaker to a disabled parent and their health has declined some in the past couple days so I've been pretty busy.  Rest assured an update is coming, ao3 will be figured out soon, and all will be right lol. Thanks for the patience guys! 


@oxMoonxChildxo I'm so sorry to hear about your situation- no need to apologize for delays.  We know authors have a life outside of Wattpad!  Hope things get better for you all soon!


I feel like I'm constantly telling you guys that for some reason or another my updates are delayed. Here I am again lol. I happen to be a caretaker to a disabled parent and their health has declined some in the past couple days so I've been pretty busy.  Rest assured an update is coming, ao3 will be figured out soon, and all will be right lol. Thanks for the patience guys! 


@oxMoonxChildxo I'm so sorry to hear about your situation- no need to apologize for delays.  We know authors have a life outside of Wattpad!  Hope things get better for you all soon!


Hey guys! I know a couple of you have been asking but I haven't had the chance to upload anything on Ao3 just yet. I am working on an update as we speak and living life plus trying to juggle all my responsibilities. It will all be up soon, I promise! So sorry for the delay but life, is lifing HARD rn lol. Thanks again for your patience!


Ao3 finally set up! Username is : oxMoonxChildxo
          Uhm yall.....I don't understand diddly squat on that site. I'm gonna need a crash course lmao. Anyway follow me there! I'll have my stories up this week! 


@oxMoonxChildxo am still waitonf for invite just reading as  a guest atm


@SweetMinSuga25 it'll definitely come by the date they gave you. I have to explore the site more and understand before posting anything


@luvbaby17 oh no sorry guys. Haven't had the chance to upload anything yet. 


Update: Stories all backed up but as you have to wait for an invitation from Ao3 to make an account; I'm not looking at getting one until 5/4. Meaning, if the stories are deleted here soon, rest assured they will be uploaded to Ao3 that week. (As soon as I'm allowed lol) 
          Thanks for your patience and support!


What’s your name on ao3?


Typo i meant to type wattpad and while i saw a message on my whatsapp  


@T1ffany91 there’s a whatsapp grouppp???


@ oxMoonxChildxo  lol, Things Happened ^_^ Oh, I can't wait to read 'Waiting For Us' after You finish it (No Presure) I'm just an ungrateful impatient potato reader, because once I read Your Books I just couldn't help but to read them to the Epilogue, I just can't stand the wait and curiousity makes Me stay up wide awake at night khekhekhe


It's gonna be a long freaking day of me backing up 60+ chapters since wattpad is being a little ..... extra lately. And I'm afraid my works will be taken down. I plan on having everything up on ao3 by next week. I'll continue to post here so long as they aren't deleted. Hopefully, they don't hit me within the next couple of hours. 


@EliDeVille don't have an account just yet lol. Waiting on an invite


@oxMoonxChildxo let me double check that I'm following you on AO3 ‍♀️


@LibertyDerality lol! That one doesn't have many chapters left. It'll be wrapped on really soon!