
Ok guys we're 40 more readers away from the release of the next chapter!!! As we are wrapping up the book, the heroes need an escape route, and fast. Will they be able to escape? Find out in the next chapter, only 40 readers away from release so if you have not read Chapter 17, GO READ IT!!!!!!
          	On a totally unrelated-somewhat related note, promos for my new book are in the process of being finalized so if you have any more ideas for a new book , PLEASE let me know in the comments of Under the Town OR send me a message via wattpad! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH


Ok guys we're 40 more readers away from the release of the next chapter!!! As we are wrapping up the book, the heroes need an escape route, and fast. Will they be able to escape? Find out in the next chapter, only 40 readers away from release so if you have not read Chapter 17, GO READ IT!!!!!!
          On a totally unrelated-somewhat related note, promos for my new book are in the process of being finalized so if you have any more ideas for a new book , PLEASE let me know in the comments of Under the Town OR send me a message via wattpad! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH


Chapter 17 is up! If you've already read it within the past two days it's been up, Thank you!!! If not - it's up now, GO READ IT! I already have the next two chapters written, so I'll post the next one after Chapter 17 reaches 85 reads.


IM STILL HERE!! Lol sorry this book has been time consuming, and I haven't been able to publish anything for internet problems in my house... Luckily, It's given me the time to write more! I have three unpublished chapters awaiting you guys! First one is going up in a few minutes....


Hey guys! Not sure when you will see this, but I was informed that there is a problem on wattpad now which prevents readers to get notifications, or delayed notifications. They are working on fixing this, so once it's fixed I might re-publish chapter 15 so everyone gets notified. Thanks!


Helllloooo! Sorry for the interruption! Regarding the readers of my book "Under the Town" I have good news! I'm backkkk! Yes, I've been missing for about a month, I found it extremely hard to write a OUAT book while the show is going on,  just because I don't want to steal any ideas from the show... But yes I'm back and prepared!!! Get ready for the release of my 15th chapter,  "Crisis Averted". 
          Also... I've heard rumors of season 6a taking place in an insane asylum... I'm thinking of new ideas for another book, so if you guys like my writing style, and have any requests for Alternate Universes in OUAT, let me know!!!!
          Thank you!