
Hey you guys! 
          	Quick couple of updates: 
          	1: Please check out the story I've just started posting, get all the people u know to read it. I really want this one to blow up like my first one. 
          	2: These next two weeks im jam packed with Stage Crew as im preparing for my schools Musical, Basketball, and going to the gym 2-3 times a week. 
          	3: I'm currently writing a co-author book with @MENON559. It will come out when were ready to publish chapter I. 
          	I thank u all for the support and please wish me luck with this musical. I've done so much to prepare for it and I'd hate to see one thing go bad cause I mess up! 
          	Hope yall have a great reast of your week! 
          	Au revoir, Caio, Adiós, Tschüss, Bye!


Hey you guys! 
          Quick couple of updates: 
          1: Please check out the story I've just started posting, get all the people u know to read it. I really want this one to blow up like my first one. 
          2: These next two weeks im jam packed with Stage Crew as im preparing for my schools Musical, Basketball, and going to the gym 2-3 times a week. 
          3: I'm currently writing a co-author book with @MENON559. It will come out when were ready to publish chapter I. 
          I thank u all for the support and please wish me luck with this musical. I've done so much to prepare for it and I'd hate to see one thing go bad cause I mess up! 
          Hope yall have a great reast of your week! 
          Au revoir, Caio, Adiós, Tschüss, Bye!