Hi, everyone! Not a chapter update (sincerest apologies) but just a life update b/c I'm trying to get rid of my bad habit of disappearing for months.
First, I apologize again for not having the next chapter out sooner. A couple of things have happened over the past couple of months that I felt like I should prioritize more since these matters revolved around career stuff and so I had to put updates on a back burner.
I'm also visiting family at the moment! I was going to try and write during my visit, but with this possibly being the last time I get to spend an extended break with them, I am choosing to focus on them at the moment instead of spending hours locked in my room writing (b/c I have the worst pacing when it comes to writing).
Thank you for your patience and understanding! I do have a good slew of drafts lined up and I'll get right to work when I come back home, so the next update should be around mid-August. I hope everyone's summer is going well and that y'all are keeping cool from the heat!!
ciao for now -- knee <3