
I published "Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay" on a whim and thus it doesn't have any other chapters aside from the first one that I published. Thankfully, it's almost Christmas so maybe I'll have time to write more chapters but for now I am so sorry but you'll have to wait. Thank you for the attention you've given it tho. Shout out to all the SasuSaku fans out there like me! Love yall!


I published "Sa Susunod na Habang Buhay" on a whim and thus it doesn't have any other chapters aside from the first one that I published. Thankfully, it's almost Christmas so maybe I'll have time to write more chapters but for now I am so sorry but you'll have to wait. Thank you for the attention you've given it tho. Shout out to all the SasuSaku fans out there like me! Love yall!


Ahh I feel sad for myself and the few readers I had who wanted an update for Glamour Academy. I just remembered I had so much plans and even had another book that was in the same universe ☹️ But I’ve lost all that will and passion to write, it was never my forte after all. Not to mention I should be doing more productive things than rotting away during this quarantine. I’m turning into a vegetable ;-;


Hi, I’m back! However I won’t be able to finish Glamour Academy, it’s just that everything has been very stressful lately(being a grade 11 transitioning to grade 12 I should be preparing for CETs and this pandemic made everything more complicated). It is not in my priority list at the moment and I’m afraid I have long forgotten the plot so recollecting will take time plus fixing the plot and the plot holes. I simply don’t have the time to. 
          Thank you for all the support tho. It warms my heart to know that my childish wonder to make a book has made an impact on you all and for that I am very thankful and sorry at the same time. 
          Let me suggest an amazing Fantasy book for you all though!!! It has a wonderful selection of words, an amazing plot and the author has a magical way with words. This I guarantee is a good book, one that will make you feel a lot of emotions while you go on a journey scrolling through the book with our heroine Valeriana Kerrigan. Go check out @MyLovelyWriter ‘s books especially the CAS(Celeste Academy Series). 
          Show her your love and support because I feel like her books are not getting the attention it truly deserves. I reckon you won’t regret reading it at all! Thank you!! Stay at home and stay safe!!!! Lovelots


Yeah i posted this before i knew about the whole tapas thing huhuhu


@Zeiah_Hurreah but CASeries will be on Tapas


Sana po ipost nyo ulit in public yung sa glamour academy series. Thank you


@My_Angel24 then why don't you start from scratch 


Awiee thank you for the support. Sorry but I don’t think I can. After all I don’t know if I can still finish the book especially since I already forgot the plot. I’ve been busy and I left wattpad a long time ago. In fact I only came back to read my favorite series. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to finish that book but as of now it isn’t in my priority list. Tho someday maybe I’ll finally have time to fix it, yknow it has lots of plot holes and stuff. Thank you tho this warms my heart. Lovelots


This gurl is busy and is on an indefinite hiatus. I'm sorry to those who are still waiting for my updates(I honestly don't think there are any that's why I lost interest in writing eitherrrr plus school soo yeahhh) but well if there are any out there I love you all thank you for the support and well I'll finish my ongoing books someday but for now I can't afford to have too much distractions so a hiatus is my only choice.


I’m sorry for the terribly slow update dangggg classes are about to start soon, I had 4 months to finish Annus Horribillis but I couldn’t cause we had no internet, I was lazy, then my dumb baby bro just had to break my laptop so there’s that. And my mom’s laptop is malfunctioning as well, can’t use that either. My phone’s trash lol it hurts my eyes if I stare too long. And the only device I can use for updating is my mom’s phone. Her phone which I can only use when she’s already asleep. And I’m about to leave in less than a week so I’ll have no means to update maybe? But I’ll find ways and try to finish this before classes.