
 ཻ༷᪥࿆ᭃ┄ཻ┈ུ┄⊰│NEW VERSE﹗│⊱┄┈ཻ┈ུ┈༘
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“   [..!]   this..   what is this called?   it’s tastes really good..!   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @dpaysement  )
            〝  i'll have to make more if you end up eating it all... but that's alright,  there's enough ingredients to make another batch for everyone else.  it also makes me happy that you enjoy it koe.  so you don't have to worry about holding back "


“   really!?   you made this!   it’s seriously super good..♪   i might just eat it all..   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @dpaysement  )
            〝  it's just some vanilla bread with strawberries i thought i'd try making from this recipe book i found.  you're welcome to have more if you'd like "


"  this is just.. amazing!  i'm just so happy for you elle!  "⠀ the mirth is seen from the way the latter cheers,  the woman now uplifted by the waist and now eased in a celebratory twirl in swole arms.  even if it were temporary,   [  ∙∙∙  ]   it still was a blessing.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            〝  i don't blame you in the slightest.  it's actually very cute that you're so excited " she said as her legs naturally rest over ivor's in a straddling form once she was settled onto his lap.  her arms that rest over his shoulders moved so that her hands could idly play with the ends of his hair,  finding the softness of each lock to be astonishing〝  it's funny how foreign it feels to be able touch things.  but i still love it "


"  well...  that's fine too.  "⠀ beamed the brunette,  he sat down and gently prompted her along with the motion,  her body settled upon his lap..   while his arms remains enwrapped to her form.⠀ "  also,   you can't blame me for being so excited.  "⠀ carefully so,  his gloved hand idly rests to her now pliant waist—-  squeezing it lightly.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            she couldn't help but laugh at the mechanic's excitement,  her head tilting to the side as a smile remained on her face〝  you sound more excited than me.  but we can save doing that for later " she replied before going back to her original gesture of comfortably hugging the other.  it looked like her sobs had calmed down,  but her voice was still slightly strained from her earlier crying〝  staying like this is all i can ever want right now.  so i'd like to indulge myself in this moment if you don't mind "


"  you're just so skittish aren't you?  ha,  like a kitten.  why are you playing with my glove?  "


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            the other's words had made her face flush more than before if that was even possible.  but this time,  it wasn't out of embarrassment as she smiled against ivor's neck.  it made her happy that the brunette would go to such lengths just to see her react differently.  it made her feel more human than she was given the outcome of what her modifications had done to her〝  hm . . i appreciate you doing that.  even if it might seem like i'm against it at times " came her response,  although it was slightly muffled which made estelle gently squeeze their intertwined hands together as a way to show her appreciation〝  your words and actions mean a lot to me,  i hope you know that ivor "


there's a small laugh emitting once she had found settlement by his neck,  his grasp unceasing to her waist.⠀ "  i'm sorry,  i really love your reactions..  "⠀ he admits,⠀ "  you're always so apathetic,  so i thought..  maybe i should enliven you up all the time.  "⠀ delicately,  his free hand would caress the back of her head.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            〝  you really are unbearable " she commented lightheartedly as her head was nudged against ivor's before burying against his neck out of embarrassment.  the other's hand against her waist wasn't helping at all either,  making estelle softly squirm around〝  i don't see why you enjoy teasing me so much "


“   so uum..   are you and..   mister ivor..   ‘close’?   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @dpaysement  )
            〝  if he gives you an earful for speaking what's on your mind,  you just tell me.  so you shouldn't go worrying about something like that koe alright﹖ "


“   it might sound unreasonable,   though.   no no,   nothing bad at all!   i’m just worried i might say something out of line and mister ivor might give me an earful..   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @dpaysement  )
            〝  with the way you're reacting,  it definitely seems like what you're thinking of is interesting enough.  or is it something bad﹖ "


"  come on elle,  you aren't counting anymore.  "⠀ and he had the audacity to scoff,  at this position?   well,  fair enough..   it was her idea after all.   of course he'd agree on a little challenge.   panting languidly,  he continues the repeated motion—  up,  then down.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            estelle's hands begun to lightly tug against ivor's hair in turn to his teasing.  the closeness of the mechanic felt suffocating,  as if she was surrounded by nothing but the person above her.  but she didn't seem to mind it seeing as she made no effort to push the brunette away.  she promptly cleared her throat to keep her voice from wavering as she responded〝  tempting.  but you only really kiss someone if it means you love them " her tone was soft as she steeled her resolve enough to look directly at him〝  you also do know that if anyone were to walk in,  this would be a difficult predicament to explain right﹖ "


he lowers himself from the push—ups,   this time stalling and..  peculiarly leaning onto her.⠀ "  well then,  if this is your  ‘typical‘  cliché romance moments in a movie..  "⠀ dangerously close,  that his lips hovers against the shell of her ear.  his sweetened words drawled mildly,  breath warm and tone intimate enough for her to register.⠀ "  wouldn't you be expecting a kiss scene by now?  "⠀ and his arms had raised himself up again,   and the result was worth the sight..  those flushed cheeks of hers—  now wasn't he just being mean?


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            〝  you'll really be the death of me one day with all this teasing of yours- " came her reply as she had no choice but to stare at ivor now.  her hands reach to cup the brunette's face before gently squishing his face between them〝  this feels like one of those cliché scenes in a romance movie " estelle commented as her arms shifted to resting over the other's shoulders,  her hands now playing with the ends of his dampened hair as features began to slightly turn red


upon waking,  the injured man roused quickly without much thought   [  ∙∙∙  ]   what only occupied his mind was the last events he had seen.   "⠀i..  i need to go back.  they're all waiting for me,  they─┄⠀"   words are interrupted with a wince..   the stinging pain all over his figure burns,  his chest heaving.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            estelle chose to bury her head against the side of ivor's head in a comforting way,  thinking to herself that at least with her head coming into contact with his,  it would make for better solace being that it was the only part left of her that was still human than just him hugging her cybernetic figure〝  i understand.  you don't have to speak anymore if it's causing you pain " she spoke in a soft tone,  making sure her hold against the other was firm but not too painfully tight〝  you didn't deserve any of this anguish.  therefore someone as caring as you shouldn't be burdened by this alone "


felt pathetic─–  even useless at this point onwards.   there's naught he can do in this situation but to wallow and accept to one's desolation.   ivor can only pray that they've passed on peacefully,  [hopefully].   but the ache within him shattered his very core..  to think they're actually g͟o͟n͟e͟.    "   everything...  hurts.   "    arms found purpose to her figure,  wrapping tightly whilst being cradled in a rocking motion.


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            gentle swaying accompanied by the soft humming of a melody is all that came from estelle.  she truly wished she could do more to take his pain away,  but her lack of emotions made it difficult to do so.  her only option of providing solace to the other being in the form of an embrace〝  just let it all out.  i'll stay here for as long as you need me to.  i promise you won't go through this alone " estelle reassured as she carefully eased the brunette's head to rest on her shoulder,  paying no mind to the dampness of his tears


"⠀come on,  don't be shy.  you can hold onto me if you'd like.⠀"


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            〝  i feel like i'll be sick- " came her muffled response as her head remained pressed against ivor's back.  even though feeling sick wasn't possible for her,  the shrilling sounds from the engine followed by the increasing speeds at which they were going made it as though the parts inside her cybernetic body were constantly vibrating〝  can i rest my eyes until we get there-﹖ "


the wind brushes against them,  the sound of the subtle engine threatening another shrilling sound with each twist to the throttle.   "⠀woooh!  this is fun,  right elle?⠀"   he asks,  briefly glancing to his shoulder.   [  ∙∙∙  ]   they weren't even at full speed just yet.   "⠀how are you holding up there?⠀"


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @afflamed  )
            the extra helmet that was given to her was promptly secured on〝  going with the flow as usua-﹗ " her sentence had been cut off once the motorcycle suddenly took off,  causing estelle's grip to only tighten and her head to tuck against ivor's back


“   say   ‘cheese’!   […]   look,   it turned out super cute!   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @mrchsvnth  )
            〝  have you tried these filters on the others yet﹖  and that's a relief to hear.  trying to smile for every photo was beginning to make my jaw ache "


“   aren’t they?   i recently found a bunch i wanted to try out!   oh,   that’s fine!   you don’t have to smile in   /every/   photo for it to look cute!   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @mrchsvnth  )
            〝  the filters are quite cute.  ah,  but i didn't smile in that one- "


“   anddd..   there!   it shouldn’t feel loose anymore,   or make much noise.   but if you still think its bothering you again,   let me know and i’ll ask miss himeko for help too.   ”


“   mh—   i think im in good health.   well,   the conductor scolds me at times,   mr yang and miss himeko join in sometimes too..   but it should be fine!   ”


⌣̩̩̩̥̩͜⟢ ꠦꫂꯥ⠀  ────   (  @dpaysement  )
            〝  that's . . slightly concerning to say the least.  but as long as you're eating properly and are in good health,  i suppose it's fine as you said "


“   mmmaybee..   [..sigh]   i get too distracted with working,   that i don’t even realize how many system hours..   or even days pass.   i’m still alive,   though.   so i think it’s fine.   ”