
Lmao it me


Hi there, thanx so much for the votes, I totally appreciate every one! And stay tuned, the last chapter of WILU will be up within the next week. It's been fighting me for awhile, but I think I've finally got a handle on it.


Thanx for adding my stories to your reading list , hope you enjoy them . Will you be putting some of your other stories on here , too ? My roomie has one on her list on the other site that she says is pretty entertaining ; something about CC roaming around some hotel somewhere . I haven't had a chance to look at it yet , but she says it's pretty good , so I'll have to go prowl around her account sometime , unless you plan to put it up over here .


Hey there , thanx for the follow back ! I've looked at some of your stuff on my roommates account on the BVB site , but I didn't realize you were on here too until just recently . She has at least one of your stories on her subscriptions , and she says that you're a fairly regular commenter on one of her stories on there , so hopefully you'll enjoy mine okay . She's much better at writing romances than I am , I seem to do better with horror or mysteries . Thanx again .