
Deuces I'm out


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@one_dumb_fucker I'll miss you bro


Hey peeps, beeps and sheeps
          I *NEWS FLASH* don't know what the FUACK is going on.
          I don't know if I'll be making anymore fanfics (I mean I'm sure I will, randomly, at some point.)
          I think I'm just gonna stick to books for now. 
          I started this whole thing off on fanfiction, so I'm sure I'll come back to it from time to time.
          Anyways, my point is I might just dump-post all my unfinished fanfics at some point. If so I'll come back and comment here


Yo wtf- I did a software update and it changed *the* sparkle emoji
          I'm actually so pissed


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@one_dumb_fucker like I use that one in my writing constantly and now it just doesn't have the same feel; and if that's not enough it's gon and made it change for all of my existing works too


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You can find me on tumbler at marvel-obsessor
          Just thought I should let yall fucks know since I sometimes end up posting stories over there before I do over here and then I can't copy-paste because I'm a fuck up


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@one_dumb_fucker you can also find me on tumbler with the same @ now


Yall I'm sorry for not being active on here. I don't have an excuse, I have all the time in the world, I just have an explanation. 
          You know depression and how it is, always making you lose interest in the things that you like. And adhd, does the same fuckin thing. So with both, writing just slipped away from my existence for like a whole month. 
          I know nobody is reading this, and I don't post that often anyways for a month of not posting to seem like I wasn't writing a damn thing, but I'm still sorry