
well. well. well.


*  /     screams


          you know that ghost story they tell you kiddos ? how did it go again ? … * he thinks to himself before smiling , his smile growing as he looked at him carefully * the detective /rooker/ ,  mistah smiley - why, he went crazy they said ! so crazy , that he killed some people .  and ya know what else happened ?  oh what a joy.. his little brotha is tha milkman .  the murderer .  so that makes them two , horrible brothas or however tha stupid story goes


          course you haven’t kid .  i don’t really fit into little kids with braces and pigtails .   * he speaks ,  following behind him as he steps into the ground - looking down  at it for a moment before up at him with a raised brow .  * you’s seem like a good kid - from what i’ve seen .. besides snoopin’ in people’s things , that ain’t too good .


          the ground .    * he speaks with a serious gaze ,  before breaking out into laughter .  it was raining that day - some say it only rained whenever mr. smiley came out to mess around with campers - really , this so called mister smiley was the milkmans brother ,  detective rooker .  he looks down at all the sleeping children in their beds - raising a brow * shh .. don’t be too loud .