
Ok, so I'm going to be making. Some changes to some things. I haven't decided yet so if stories go missing or things change I'm sorry in advance. I'm gonna have a wattpad for fanfixfion and one for originals because I have too many THIS one maybe deleted completely idk


Ok, so I'm going to be making. Some changes to some things. I haven't decided yet so if stories go missing or things change I'm sorry in advance. I'm gonna have a wattpad for fanfixfion and one for originals because I have too many THIS one maybe deleted completely idk


Hey Chanfam :) just started writing a book for Carl Grimes Imagines. Mind reading or voting for it? Tysm lovelies ♡


Thank you very much! @omgchairhandler ❤❤


Sure! I won't be able to right now! But I'll get to it as soon as I can:) @lilasskicker_