
Merry Christmas y’all!! 


Merry Christmas! 


so.. why is it when i got to rp with my wife (Gabe) in a server with just the two of us in, barely anything happens but when she rps with someone else, lots happens...? i’m giving up. everything hurts.. everywhere hurts... i’ve done nothing wrong yet it feels like i’m getting ignored/blanked by near enough everyone including the one i love. we’ve been together for 1yr and 5mnths and it feels like i’m being pushed away.. i’m getting to the point where i feel useless towards everything i do with everyone and like i don’t deserve her... im losing hope for a lot of things and it’s getting to the point where it’s getting harder and harder to not c*t... i’m sorry but i needed to rant/vent but i highly doubt anyone will reply to this or dm. so, it’s pretty useless of me putting this out anyways..
          - Tina (host)


@eddiemunsonswife_xo oh ...this was the wattpad notification i first got when i opened


it’s alright, dw. the issue was resolved yourself ago.


            We're not very close but you wanna talk about it?


GUYS! There's a petition made by people on Change.org to bring back Eddie Munson and it would mean the world to me if you go and sign it. I won't force you to sigh it but I would like and appreciate it if you did. Love you guys!! mwah ♥️
          {https://chng.it/NVNTY2qzSK} - the link for the petition


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I just watched the new Sam and Colby video with KallMeKris in there but without CelinaSpookyBoo and holy shit did that video scare and concern me but i’m glad they got out of there alive and hope Celina gets better. They all deserve the world if not then the entire universe. ❤️❤️


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I'm going to actually lose my fucking mind. Discord is being a piece of shit, I can't login, I can't see anything, all I'm seeing is a blank screen with it saying "connecting..." with 2 signal bars yet my internet is perfect? AND IT WAS WORKING PERFECTLY FINE EARLIER TODAY!?! I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT! DISCORD, I LOVE YOU AND ALL BUT SORT YOUR FUCKING APP OUT FFS!! I CANT MESSAGE MY FRIENDS TONIGHT BECAUSE IT'S NOT WORKING AT ALL!!! im going to end up crying please stop..... 


discord can be a lil bitch


@akiothealien that's what it was like for me last night so i ended up turning my phone off but when I turned my phone back on in the morning, it was working again so I'm happy


That was the same for me! It was down for 2 hours. 