
@enujinma yea sure


I love your profile picture. I agree, but I'm not so sure about the honest thing… I lie too much… Gods I'd suck at Candor. I'm a Dauntless Divergent. Not because Tris is but because that's what apies to me most. 
          Lol what about you? I mean which are you most like, not which do you want?


You see that's exactly how I feel about it. I think I'd probaly be Divergent. Haha no I'd probably be faction less because I don't really fit in to any of the categories.
             I'm brave but I wouldn't jump out of a fast moving train because I'm so clumsy I'd fall.
            I help people but I could not go a day let alone a month without my hair done up all fancy and bright clothes on.
            I'm smart, I was a published author by the time I was 11 but I'm just an A B student and no where near the top of my class.
            I'm not really the peacful type but I wear bright clothing. 
            And the only time I'm really honest is when I use sarcasm or when I'm insulting someone (I'm not mean but if your being mean to someone else then I'll be mean to you)  
            But now everyone is always like I'm so dauntless when I bet half of those people are not. Like my friend claims she would be dauntless but going up to a stranger and hugging him is stupidity not bravery.