
I just posted a new story to my collection called, "The Indigo Sun". Give it a read! It's a bit different from my other stories as I try to branch out a bit!


Hey everybody! I haven't been very active due to this being my last few semesters to graduate with my bachelor's so I'm sorry for that. I just wanted to announce that I've uploaded a new short story to my "Ballet Of Shadows" collection as well as the prologue for a novel that I have been working on for quite awhile. Stop by and tell me what you think! I'd love to hear from you all!
          Thank you,
          Dustin G.


Hey! I've been inactive for awhile while I work on my novel but I pitched out a prologue I had written for simply because it didn't fit into the overall story. I uploaded it to "Ballet of Shadows" because I am actually quite proud of it! Stop by and tell me what you think! It's called "Fate". It's quite the short read. 
          Have a good day!
          Dustin G.


Hey everyone! Just like to give an update on things. I have scrapped "Omega" because I wasn't liking the plot as much as I thought I would, I'm more of a horror writer so writing more of a science fiction style didn't suit me. I've recently started a new story, I'm only 10,000 words in so it's still in its infancy but I'm enjoying it much more. Sorry for any inconvenience, if anyone has any curiosities as to how "Omega" was meant to end feel free to ask. In the meantime feel free to stop by and read some of my short stories and poems in my collection "Ballet of Shadows"
          Best Wishes,
          Dustin Gammon


Hey readers of "Omega" I unpublished the story after a hard decision to publish the story when it is completely finished. I believe this is the right choice because of the simple fact that I am consistently editing previously parts that I have written because of plotholes, grammatical, and discontinuity errors. Thank you!


Hey! Thanks so so much for the votes and follow! I'm just a dumb teenager playing around with words so please give me your honest feedback! Thank you!!!


@domochi of course! Keep up the good work :)


@domochi I enjoy reading poems and I saw that you completed the Words collection so I thought I would go check it out again and read a little more :) I enjoy your poems!


Hey readers of "Omega" (formerly known as "Where did all the Stars Go") I decided on a new direction for the story so I've done major updates to each part and changed the main character entirely so you should give it a reread to understand what's new and what's to come. Again this is a work in progress so every part may be edited in the future to better correlate to later events in the overall story arc. If you haven't given "Omega" a shot at all I would love for you to give it a read and tell me what you think!
          Dustin Gammon