
10:00 pm
          	I'n doing my Fil peta, where I have to read the noli me Tangere kabanata 17, and summarize it, and write it down...I'm doing nothing rn :)


Hello ya'll  
          So basically! I lost my account 3 years ago, and I'VE BEEN TRYING to get it back, until I gave up :D...till now! I finally figured out my user name...and password and gmail, and finally
          I GOT IT BACK woah! ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧ʸᵃʸ


Hello Everyone!!!
          My 1st quarter Exam was last week and I did...BAD :) 
          Now, I did 3 PETA's due TODAY and I only got 5 Minutes of sleep until my body decided to end it....rn I'm on my LAST HOMEWORK AND I HAVE TO PREPARE SCHOOL LUNCH ON 4:50 (4:06 current time)


@doingyourmom_001 OOF The trouble you've put yourself in-


Hi everyone! 
          Today's been the worst day ever
          1. I made the biggest mistake to ash, Phoenix and night shade
          2.my mom yelled at me for coming home late, she told me i should leave the house if i won't listen to her
          And to ash, well....they have suicidal mind, and i didn't know cuz some stuff just gets lost in my mind and i messed that up, idk what to do anymore
          I feel jealous of ash really, they have someone who worries for them like really cares of them, i only have some,if only they knew what happened last year an hour before my graduation, oh well
          I don't have anyone to talk too, so... I'm sorry for bringing you into my problems


@iNeedThatMoonussy thx, i'm here for you too


@doingyourmom_001 hey, i'm here if you need anyone to talk to <3