
          	I for some reason suddenly hate my old name so I am no longer XlittlenugentX sorry for the change <3


thank you for adding my story to one of your reading lists! it really means a lot and you made me smile and my family look at me like i was some sort of maniac.
          anyways, it means a lot.
          thank youuuuuUuUUuuuUuuUU
          -Kitten xx


Hey! I'm sorry if this is annoying to you or anything, I'd completely understand. But i was wondering if maybe you could check out some of my stories? Give me a vote or a comment or a suggestion or to make me a better writer :) thank you so much for reading this and if you don't want to, no worries! Thanks a bunch xx


Hey guys, sorry about no updates rn, been busy. Writing a chapter of accepting my fate at the moment, hopefully it's up by tonight or tomorrow morning. Oh and... WHO LOVES THE NEW WATTPAD UPDATE?! ITS AMAZING. Okay I'm done now. 
          -GO HIGH FIVE A FISH. Bet you have high fived lots of cats, but have you high fived a fish? I DONT THINK SO.


for accepting my fate:
          hair: light brown
          eyes: hazel
          age: 19
          3 traits: can drive anything, good at sports, can make anyone laugh or Crack a smile.
          favorite color: orange
          role: deadloxmc gf or munchingbrotato gf(either will be fine :) )