
; it’s been ages babes, cb and specify. I’m miss rping with her so why not 


!! whatever you have muse for


   “ it’s not as bad as it looks, trust me. these things happen. you can’t keep covering for me either. you’ll get in trouble too. “


            “ it wasn’t meant to be dumb, duh.” she would get in and hold her hand to her chest. it hurt, but looked way worse than it felt. or at least until it really set in. taking a seat she held her other hand up. “ wait. just dont … dont like touch it too hard. “ 


this message may be offensive
[ @dxstxrdly ]
            “….then stop doing dumb shit griff , because you know I’m going to have to cover for you ” evangeline sighed exasperated , running a hand through her hair “ just… get in and sit down , let me see how bad it actually is ”


   “ i got blood on mine. i mean, you never wear it. it just sits there in your dresser. “


            “ you can take my mommy AND daddy issues seeing as you can’t fit my clothes.” she said sarcastically and eventually let her go. she smoothed out evangeline’s clothes with a smile. “ so sophisticated. smart, pretty, scary … and hot!”


[ @dxstxrdly ]
            “ what about what’s yours ? is that mine ? ” she asked amusement dancing in her eyes as her arms went around her waist. she laughed a little at her claim raising an eyebrow “ Am I now ? you’re sounding a little evil there sweetheart ”


            “ whats yours is mine. “ griff snickered, wrapping her arms around evangeline and holding tight to her. “ you’re all mine. no one elses. just MINE.” she laughed evilly. she was having too much fun.


; fighting the urge to make a river song anon……or missy 


            ; the hype left years ago i dont even see doctor anons anymore LOL 


            ; right ??? like why don’t people make them <//3


; honestly do it we need more river or missy anons. 


' you should see the other guy . ' 


this message may be offensive
;        ◎ benjamin poindexter : it / him
            ' just a couple bruised ribs , amongst other things , the couch is fine . ' 
            he offered a rather stiff shrug , and with a muffled THUNK , dropped his head over the back of the couch .
            it stared up at the off-white ceiling , devoid of the yellow stains back at his safe house , and considered the woman's words . 
            ' i'll pay double for anything you can give or find . did i ever tell you he's the one who carved this into my head ? ' it tapped the side of its forehead , where the crude bullseye marred its pale skin . 
            ' fucker told me to shoot myself . ' 


[ @BU11SEYE ]
            she sighed a little rolling her eyes “ as stubborn as always I see , I guess that’s a relief” she hummed placing a first aid kit in front of it. “ don’t get any blood on my couch , it’s a pain to get out ” she commented raising an eyebrow an amused smile on her face as she sat beside it “ you run in to him a lot don’t you? you know information costs but to be fair I don’t know much about him , he’s pretty secretive ”


;        ◎ benjamin poindexter : it / him
            the man lowered itself onto her couch and smiled through gritted teeth , unbothered by her poor attempt at an interrogation . at least that's how what it felt like . 
            ' it's nothing that concerns yourself , just another run-in with the devil . . . do you know anything about his identity ? i suspect he's blind , and enhanced in some way . ' 


' i know it's a lot to ask , and i know i'm a difficult person to be around , but . . . i need a place to lay low , can i stay with you ? please . ' 


;        ◎ benjamin poindexter : he / it
            benjamin uttered a small ' thank you , ' as it removed the duffelbag off his back , and took a seat on her couch , movements slow and deliberate . 
            what it hadn't mentioned — unsure how to broach the topic , until a month had passed , and then that'd seemed too late to say anything — was that he'd been recovering from another reconstructive surgery on his spine . he only needed an affordable space to lay low , just until he was recovered enough to accept jobs again . it wasn't important . 
            ' i have to admit that i don't do well with change , so i might be unable to sleep or act jumpy for a few days . . . just no sudden touching , or throwing anything at me without warning , because i don't want to accidentally hurt you . ' 


[ @BU11SEYE ]
            if she was being honest she was surprised by  it’s request  , while he dropped by often it never stayed very long and refused almost anything she offered. “ you don’t need to add all the disclaimers , I wouldn’t be friends with you if you were difficult to be around. you’re welcome to stay as long as you need ” she responded with an absent minded wave “ make yourself comfortable you can use the guest room as yours ” she added. she was usually guarded around people especially in her home but she trusted it. 