
Its me again,i know i wans't exactly "active in the last months,i've had to deal with a lot of changes in my life during this time and i dint exactly have time to sit down,on my days off the job i basically used to sleep the entire day,however i talked to my boss and now i get to work in the morning from 09:00 to 17:00 which gives me
          	The rest of the day to rest,so i will writte the chapters and use the time left to sleep,how does that sound?


It’s alright man sometimes you got to do what you got to do take your time


Its me again,i know i wans't exactly "active in the last months,i've had to deal with a lot of changes in my life during this time and i dint exactly have time to sit down,on my days off the job i basically used to sleep the entire day,however i talked to my boss and now i get to work in the morning from 09:00 to 17:00 which gives me
          The rest of the day to rest,so i will writte the chapters and use the time left to sleep,how does that sound?


It’s alright man sometimes you got to do what you got to do take your time


Hey,im not dead,i just had a lot happening,i broke one of my fingers at my job and im going back to work tomorrow,im also working in new chapters it shouldn't take to long to finish,i thank you for your time and im sorry for making you guys wait that much


Please update cybertronian on earth


Im really sorry guys,i have a job now so when i get home i basically eat,take a shower and sleep ill be home in the next sunday,ill make two chapters,the next one and a christmas special


Hey can I ask for help making a tfp story I'm trying to think of a name for the book and before you ask it's a call of duty  named male reader  in well tfp got any suggestions?


@foxykillet32  well my main thing how this will happen is what if decepticons won instead of autobots  and they decide to take over and kill all humans but the mc  finds broken mech ground bridge and trys fixing it to go back in time to help the auto bots but when he goes threw primus brings him to a new timeline with cod abiltys kinda like (gun summon and  pack a punch abiltys) and well there he can help the auto bots  but also help the preadacons like the cybertronian of earth  book you have and we'll go from there


@ foxykillet32  hmm thats a hard one,can you give me more details?


Hey guys,i know i already have 3 tfp stories but i had another story about it in mind but i wanted to ask your opinions,do i make this story or i should just work in the ones that i already have and work in stories about another shows?


@obsidian-fury tbh its up to you. The way I work on my stories, I do one and finish it or at least put it on hold. Once I'm done I work on a new story


Make the story if you want to :))))


You sir are my goddamn hero I love your stories keep up the great work


@ hydrablade343632  eh bien, je ne parle pas très bien le français, mais je pense que je comprends ce que vous avez dit, j'utilise simplement la fureur d'obsidienne comme avatar, le personnage de l'histoire est similaire mais ce n'est pas un jeager donc je ne pouvais pas utiliser la brèche comme un forme d'introduction, bon je ne suis pas sûr que c'était votre question mais c'est ce que je comprends


@obsidian-fury vraiment? c'est bien dommage je veux dire il peut y avoir des idée possible d'intégration des personnage cité par exemple pour un jeager n'importe le qu'elle je parle vous pourriez le faire venir dans l'univers TFP par une brèche est inventé un scénario a partir de la


@hydrablade343632 are you asking me am I going to write stories cuz I might I just don't know what to write


Dude please update your two stories they are really good


@ red-1993  i should be thanking you,you your comments really let me excited to writte more


@red-1993 thanks those two stories are my favorites 


@ red-1993  i will do it,i just had a had a bad week 