
Mannn I hate angst but love it at the same time. I just read a good book and they didn’t end up together. HE SAID “maybe in another lifetime you’re mine but for now, you’re his” DONT MAKE ME CRY PLEASE!! I BEG OF THEE!!


Mannn I hate angst but love it at the same time. I just read a good book and they didn’t end up together. HE SAID “maybe in another lifetime you’re mine but for now, you’re his” DONT MAKE ME CRY PLEASE!! I BEG OF THEE!!


I just got called a “bum ass”,  im not repeating the last word because im Latina and don’t feel comfortable saying or around that word but anyway; for saying I hate the USA. Like can’t I say I hate this country?


You know what sucks? My boyfriend and I are trying to figure out the best stone for me for an engagement ring that’s not a diamond. I personally want moonstone but I can’t have it because of of the mohs scale for hardness. You’d want a 7.5 or above but I’m willing to go with 7 because I’m a careful person but moonstone is a 6-6.5. Water can ruin it, not all of the time but majority. Anyone know what would be cute and also good hardness? Please let me know.


@o2l_-5sos isn't moissanit a really good choice when it comes to engagement rings? i mean - they aren't really diamonds, just really close so idk if it would count for you as a "that's not a diamond" stone hahah, but i remember reading it had a really high hardness on the mohs scale. i think zirconia was pretty high as well?
            idk what to say about moonstone, it's really pretty (as all gems are), but i think it's good that you're considering something that could stay in almost perfect condition for longer - even if you're a careful person. 
            Congrats on your engagement, by the way!!! <3


this message may be offensive
The person arguing with me just called my mamà a “whore stripper slut” like what? What my mamà gotta do with this? They know their wrong when they gotta bring up useless shit. They replied four different times and 3/4 was stupid. Lmaoooo okay.


That person is still fighting people saying it wasn’t ra*e. She claims since she didn’t fight him off it’s wasn’t and that she’s just a whore. How? It literally said she couldn’t fight him off since she’s weaker than him. He even had blackmail on her. She was frozen in place. Did he have consent? No. She didn’t say anything which is a no.