
Okay so. This is for any fans of twisted ice. I've got a few chapters already done, but I'm not happy with them so I'm going to rewrite them. But at this point it's meant to flip to Katie's point of view. If I planned it properly, the whole thing would have been in Katie's point of view but I didn't. So how many of you mind if the POV suddenly changes?


I'm from England too! It's been awhile though. Lost all of me accent and I'm trying get get my Grandpappy's Irish accent. It's beautiful I tell ya. ^_^ Haven't gone home since... a long time. Livin' the States now. So now I sound like a wannabe Brit with a light American accent..... Thank you for reading my ranting. I hate tea too and not all of us Brits drunk with our bloody pinkies up... Some might but I don't know any  that do... n_n


Okay so. This is for any fans of twisted ice. I've got a few chapters already done, but I'm not happy with them so I'm going to rewrite them. But at this point it's meant to flip to Katie's point of view. If I planned it properly, the whole thing would have been in Katie's point of view but I didn't. So how many of you mind if the POV suddenly changes?