
I am returning to my author life !! i have understood the only thing which can give me happiness is writing!! Warning:- All the update stories from now on are going to be extreme painful and sadness with grief !!! You're going to love the stories if you love pain!! Following updates are going to be from my heart and yeah it might take week but soon 


I am returning to my author life !! i have understood the only thing which can give me happiness is writing!! Warning:- All the update stories from now on are going to be extreme painful and sadness with grief !!! You're going to love the stories if you love pain!! Following updates are going to be from my heart and yeah it might take week but soon 


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  Can anyone tell me what its like being in love? I wanna be in love with someone who can hold my hand everytime and be there with me! Even while in long distance he should be video calling me every now and then! I want someone fuck *cries*


@notsosavageangel i can't tell you correctly cause the love I've seen was fake but for me love is like an ocean the deeper you go the more you will feel it , sometimes we go to the depth from where we can't return and it starts to suffocate but remember love gives you peace if it's loud it can't be love cause love is calm and silent as the ocean 


Why are u not updating ff ? Are u busy ??


@ToobaSafdar5 actually I need someone to help me 


Need a gay bestfriend-! 


@notsosavageangel  but i neet  story update


@notsosavageangel , what you looking for we got what you looking for.... *vibing continues*


Yo- straight couple gross? True brooooo i mean- everyone keeps on telling me im weird but i just don't like straight things


@user98604812 really. It's okay to be straight it's okay to be gay. I really can't take it. I support LGBT community and I am own part of it but why are making a fuss and hate her when she is straight. 


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I am being little shit to say this... But I am straight and broke up with my gf...


@-DEMONIC-LEGEND-   can you guys get out off my message board please??? 


Hey my dear... I would like to say thank you for the supports you gave me. I know the wedding breaker is hella terrible. It's a fact tho, my writing had improved completely compared to WB which has MANY grammar errors but you still gave a vote on every chapter which makes me touched. Once again, thank you so much, wouldn't have made it without your support☺❤


@NXIMIHUDX it's my pleasure that I could help you at worst, and your book deserved it so I read it~