
Hey guys, sorry for not posting as much for the story. I know I’ve been pretty hiatus lately and majority of it is because of my job. Right now I’m overseas, not gonna say where but I’ve been focusing more on work. I don’t know how long I’ll be out of the states but it’s my responsibility to let you guys know that I’m not going to be able to work on the story as much as I want to. 


@Ognjen3800 thank you I really appreciate it


@notalent11 I'm honestly just happy that you haven't completely dropped the story. Most people tend to do so & I'm glad you aren't one of them. I'll wait for as long as it takes. Take your time and work on it only when you're able to do so, no need to cram it in when you've got important irl stuff to attend to. Love the story and your dedication to it! 


@DaniilBelenkii thank you for the support 


Hey guys, sorry for not posting as much for the story. I know I’ve been pretty hiatus lately and majority of it is because of my job. Right now I’m overseas, not gonna say where but I’ve been focusing more on work. I don’t know how long I’ll be out of the states but it’s my responsibility to let you guys know that I’m not going to be able to work on the story as much as I want to. 


@Ognjen3800 thank you I really appreciate it


@notalent11 I'm honestly just happy that you haven't completely dropped the story. Most people tend to do so & I'm glad you aren't one of them. I'll wait for as long as it takes. Take your time and work on it only when you're able to do so, no need to cram it in when you've got important irl stuff to attend to. Love the story and your dedication to it! 


@DaniilBelenkii thank you for the support 


Hey guys I know it’s been a long time since a new chapter was released but I’m still overseas working pretty hard right now with service and wifi not available. Those who are in the military can relate to what I’m saying. I’m still writing on my offline google docs but it’s hard with no research and stuff to make things more accurate. I’m blessed that many of you enjoy the story. Please have faith that I’ll return and finish the story. Honestly not sure when I’m going back home.


@notalent11 And how long have you been on deployment if you don't mind saying?