
literally have 50+ half-finished drafts, will try to publish some soon (hopefully before the new year, doubt it though)


this message may be offensive
my mental health is shit and i feel like theres too much pressure to complete/update my books
          i said it
          so basically im taking down both never air to breathe (and rewriting when i get the chance) and gc2 (but possibly starting another group chat with different plots n stuff) 
          i'llkeep writing oneshots when i get the time
          honestly though ive been in such a bad place recently and i couldnt bring myself to even open wattpad because of the inevitable pressure 
          ive realised that starting a fic as soon as i get an idea isnt good for me, personally. in the future i will probably write the whole thing and then publish each part according to a schedule
          okay thats all the bad stuff out thanks bye


@northernfuckyou I feel the same way everyday. I tried to vet help and show my sister what was going on, but she brushed it off and yelled at me...


VERY VERY IMPORTANT PSA: i wont be updating much bc i got into an accident and my wrist is quite damaged so it makes it hard to type quickly/without lots of typos so im sorry but not many updates for a while (i will try and get another chapter of gc2 up soonish tho)