
bruh, the last time I wrote smth in this app was in 2022… anyways, hi guys! I know no one remembers me bcs two years passed by, but just wanted to say that I got back into my acc and started reading fanfictions again and it made me realize how much I missed it. Anyways, just wanted to say hi again and that I’ll may be writing some fics but for now I just deleted everything from this acc, because I’m embarrassed by what I wrote when k was younger. Feel free to unfollow me because you don’t know me (btw gonna change my name it used to hphphphphphphphpp but honestly idk what I thought by choosing that…)


bruh, the last time I wrote smth in this app was in 2022… anyways, hi guys! I know no one remembers me bcs two years passed by, but just wanted to say that I got back into my acc and started reading fanfictions again and it made me realize how much I missed it. Anyways, just wanted to say hi again and that I’ll may be writing some fics but for now I just deleted everything from this acc, because I’m embarrassed by what I wrote when k was younger. Feel free to unfollow me because you don’t know me (btw gonna change my name it used to hphphphphphphphpp but honestly idk what I thought by choosing that…)