
this message may be offensive
I'm trying to finish up a chapter for my best bet but it's taking some time, cause when I wrote stories I like them to be about the same length for each chapter when I can make them. This one is about 1150 words (I think) and I'm not having a lot of motivation for it. I hope it will be out soon though, and I have no fucking clue when my others will be updated.


@nopeh79 Dude that story is like 
          	  If you can't tell I love it.


this message may be offensive
I'm trying to finish up a chapter for my best bet but it's taking some time, cause when I wrote stories I like them to be about the same length for each chapter when I can make them. This one is about 1150 words (I think) and I'm not having a lot of motivation for it. I hope it will be out soon though, and I have no fucking clue when my others will be updated.


@nopeh79 Dude that story is like 
            If you can't tell I love it.