
Just updated 'Her Name Meant Light', I would appreciate y'all checking it out, also sorry I haven't been active!
          	Just to put two announcements into one, so my 22 followers aren't spammed...  HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! Everyone deserves to be with the person they love and be the person they want to be, I'm so happy that people are taking charge to get us to equality. No one deserves to be shunned for their sexuality, gender, race or all, and although the race to equality is a long and hard, I am convinced we will get there!
          	HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!


Just updated 'Her Name Meant Light', I would appreciate y'all checking it out, also sorry I haven't been active!
          Just to put two announcements into one, so my 22 followers aren't spammed...  HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! Everyone deserves to be with the person they love and be the person they want to be, I'm so happy that people are taking charge to get us to equality. No one deserves to be shunned for their sexuality, gender, race or all, and although the race to equality is a long and hard, I am convinced we will get there!
          HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in foreverrrrrrr, but I'm fostering kittens right now, so I've been busy with them, hence, the silence... Anyways, although I will be continuing You're Late, I will also be starting a... DUN DUN DUNNNNN
          supernatural story
          BEFORE YOU FLIP OUT ON ME, here's the thing about me and my writing. I have specific ideas, and I create stories to fit those ideas, and if I loose it or have a better idea, the story looses it's baseline, or I just don't have the motivation to continue writing it because I'm distracted with bigger and better things. SO, now, I have to get my 'bigger and better' supernatural story idea out of my head.
          It's a werewolf story
          AGAIN, I'M SORRY
          but pretty please check it out because it would mean a lot to have your guy's support in starting this :) <3


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(sorry i forgot to make an updating announcement) BUT WE JUST HIT 100 READS OMG (102 to be exact) BUT HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. (excuse my French omg God i'm so sorry, lol you can tell i'm not going to heaven) OK THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR ME
          like when i started i expected a couple people to hop in, say hey rq then go on to bigger and better things but AHHHH 100 that's so many more people than i thought oml and you have no idea how grateful i am for each and every one of you! :)
          ty, and I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLL