
▋ ▎ ⠀⠀I’M  BACK  i’ll  get  to  things  soon


⠀  stop touching that.     you have no idea what it is.


a’right,  yeesh.  no  need  ta  be  all  hoity–toity  ‘bout  it.   ⦗  he  mumbles,  temporarily  ceasing  his  idle  fiddling  with  the  foreign  device;  holding  both  of  his  gloved  hands  up  in  a  gesture  of  acquiescence.  ⦘   what’s  this  doohickey  for,  then,  if  ya  don’t  mind  my  askin’ .ᐣ
             ⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀⠀‬‬ Ꮺ    @ENTER2099 


woah — i’m not a threat so can you please put the guns down? 


 ⠀⠀       ID.    @shieldsagent-     Ꮺ   
            [    now    THAT    was    news    to    the    masked    vigilante    ⸻    after    a    few    minutes    of    silence,    he    twirls    his    pistols    back    into    the    holsters    on    either    side    of    his    hips.    ]    hol’    on    ..    DOZENS?    every   DAY?    now    i    ain’t    an    expert    or    anything,    but     ..    that    ain’t    supposed    ‘ta    happen,    is    it?    (    …    )    something’s    wrong.    BIG    time.    [    he    takes    a     quick     glance     at    his    surroundings,    spider—senses    on    full    blast.    ]     ..    what    year    is    it?    where    am    i?
            /    no    worries!!!    sorry    mine’s    late    too    :’]]


*   her hands remained up in a surrender motion   *   just making sure you’re not up to no good.  there’s been dozens of spider people dropping from the sky every day,  it’s only a matter of time before a ‘ bad guy ’ drops through. 
               /   sorry this is so late!! 


⠀⠀       ID.    @shieldsagent-     Ꮺ   
            ..    that’s    for    me    to    decide.    [    under    his    mask,    his    brows    knit    together,    keeping    his    grip    around    his    twin    pistols    tight    and    steady.    ]    you’ve    been    followin’    me    for    a    hot    minute;    so,    whaddaya    want?


here,  i  picked  up  lunch  earlier.   [   holding a bag up with two sandwiches, she waved it enticingly.   ]   two  turkey  clubs  and  some  chips.  


               all  morning?  take  a  break,  man.  i'm  sure  it  won't  hurt  anyone  if  you  spend  an  hour  or  so  to  yourself.   [   she opened one of the two bags of chips and popped one into her mouth, listening to him with a raised brow. that couldn't be healthy, could it? honestly, how were these other spider-people still functioning?   ]   maybe  i  should  bring  you  lunch  more  often.  some  water,  too.  can't  be  dehydrated  on  the  job,  y'know.  


 ⠀⠀       ID.    @spitoxes    Ꮺ
            's    lunch    already?    yeesh,    must'a    lost    track    of    time    ..    [    with    a    sigh,    he    takes    his    round    glasses    off,    wiping    the    lenses    with    the    hem    of    his    shirt.    ]     been    working    on    this    case    all    morning.     [    reaching    out    and    taking    the    sandwich    from    her    hands,    the    corner    of    his    lips    tugs    into    a    small    smile.    ]      thanks.    yer    a    godsent;    all    i    had    for    breakfast    today    was    a    cup    of    joe    and    a    smoke.


  new get-up ? tryna match or . . wait - you're not my spider . .


 ⠀⠀       ID.    @latenightheft     Ꮺ   
            christ    on    a    STICK,    don’t    scare    a    fella    like    that!    [    normally,    he    would’ve    been    able    to    tell    if    someone    was    sneaking    up    on    him,    thanks    to    his    spider—sense;    but    ever    since    he    found    himself    lost    in    this    strange,    modern    version    of    his    city,    it’s    been    set    to    maximum    overdrive.    ]    ..    sorry.    ain’t    mean    to    yell    at’cha.    ‘m    not    ..    from    here.