
hey guys… this will be a long announcement. i wish all of u will read every word
          	innocence ruined should start to be updated maybe every other week (i’m hoping idk)
          	same should go for college things
          	but i need an answer on something.
          	how would u guys like to read something i have no experience writing? :D
          	i heard of a book
          	blindness by josé saramago
          	a portuguese writer
          	now… he writes strangely
          	nothing most of us are used to
          	there’s no use of quotations no paragraph indentions no use of anything other than a period to end sentences and a comma for a pause in a sentence.
          	i only said that to warn y’all if u decide u wanna try to read it
          	anywho. what i’m tryna get at is
          	i’m gonna dip my toes into the water
          	the water being the world of horror/thriller/apocalypse stuff
          	in josé saramago’s book blindness, the blindness is pretty much caused by themselves. or sort of….psychological thing i think
          	i haven’t read the whole book
          	it might’ve been caused by chemicals who knows
          	but i’ll be twisted what i’ve read of his book and the ideas in my head into one.
          	now idk how this’ll work out
          	but leave ur opinions if u think i should bring aliens into the story
          	(i prolly will regardless, but i wanna see what y’all say)
          	anywhoooo thas all today


@yoongiismyheartu maybe i was dumb in that second


@yoongiismyheartu u didn’t leave an opinion
          	  but yea


Hello I'm Sara I just wanted to know if there is a problem with your ao3 account because every time I search ur user name another author pops up so can you please tell me what to do because I love your books and I want to keep reading them please thank you ✨


hey guys… this will be a long announcement. i wish all of u will read every word
          innocence ruined should start to be updated maybe every other week (i’m hoping idk)
          same should go for college things
          but i need an answer on something.
          how would u guys like to read something i have no experience writing? :D
          i heard of a book
          blindness by josé saramago
          a portuguese writer
          now… he writes strangely
          nothing most of us are used to
          there’s no use of quotations no paragraph indentions no use of anything other than a period to end sentences and a comma for a pause in a sentence.
          i only said that to warn y’all if u decide u wanna try to read it
          anywho. what i’m tryna get at is
          i’m gonna dip my toes into the water
          the water being the world of horror/thriller/apocalypse stuff
          in josé saramago’s book blindness, the blindness is pretty much caused by themselves. or sort of….psychological thing i think
          i haven’t read the whole book
          it might’ve been caused by chemicals who knows
          but i’ll be twisted what i’ve read of his book and the ideas in my head into one.
          now idk how this’ll work out
          but leave ur opinions if u think i should bring aliens into the story
          (i prolly will regardless, but i wanna see what y’all say)
          anywhoooo thas all today


@yoongiismyheartu maybe i was dumb in that second


@yoongiismyheartu u didn’t leave an opinion
            but yea


Hey guys
          Wanted to ask if yall wanted an "innocence ruined" update first or another update on "college things"
          Please let me know!!!
          I've been having a writers block lately as well as being preoccupied with life and interests
          So I'm trying to write as much as possible rn


@scream_it_for_me innocence ruined pleaseeee i love that book 


I’m waiting for “college things”, but most importantly “innocence ruined”. I’m waiting for you to upload it entirely so I could start reading it again from the start:)


@sarahskills ahhh Well, I have an update for innocence ruined that I posted today
            College Things could take a while as well 


Are u ever gonna come back??does anyone have a update on her or know any of her social media?


@FireXIceQueen apparently not active very much sorry babes