

Heyy! I saw your action-thriller recommendations book which had the story I was looking for so long! It's called "The shadow" however, when I try searching it up, it doesnt come up? I was wondering if you could help me please ? Or if you know if thr author has deleted or not perhaps?
          Thank you!


@laraib8 heyy it's not that one, I checked. The author has deleted it


@laraib8 hey it’s called shadow circle in case your wondering


Hi, I saw that u made a collection of books that u read & I went trough it because I’m searching for a story. Sadly I couldn’t find it in there. I wanted to ask u if u maybe know the story since it’s kinda the same genre and tell me the Name if u do?(im searching for it what feels like 3 months ) anyway ist abou a demon Prince called Devon and as punishment for idk what he has to go to mortal Highschool for 3months where he meets a extrovert girl ( i think her name starts with A or something) and first they become friend and then they fell in love (shortest and bad description sry). He also wears only black hoddies and he keeps by himself and Is so annoyed that she is trying to be his friend. 
          Wow that’s a lot anyway thx in advance for any help and if not thx for even reading this ❤️


Thank u so much for trying tho !!!


@Crystell0104 hey! I tried to remember something like the story you mentioned but I can't find the story at the moment because there are a lot of books with the same lead named Devon. Sorry I wasn't that much of a help but I'll try to look for the book and if I find something like it I'll tell you!!


          千工ᐯ㠪 工丂 闩 廾龱㇄ㄚ 几ㄩ爪乃㠪尺
          ...thanks for checking out The Wandering God! ♥️


@greydaygirl I'm not getting much time to read continuously as online classes are being a headache  but your story hooked me up very much so thanks for sharing and Best wishes for updates! 


You’re a fast reader ❤️ 


@greydaygirl hey!! The summary is very interesting so I'll start reading soon and it's really okay!!